Grit 'N Wit Challenge
Event Recap: Grit 'N Wit Challenge
Thank you to all who attended, volunteered, and sponsored this fun mental and physical competition for the family! There were obstacle courses, mental puzzles, running, climbing, tunnels to climb through, and so much more! This event served as a fundraiser to support our free programs for grieving children and their families. Our mission is to provide hope and healing to grieving families, and we carry out this mission with our Family Program, Camp Compassion, and Virtual Support Groups for teens and caregivers. We plan to offer the Grit 'N Wit Challenge next year as well! Stay tuned: gallery photos are coming soon.
What is a "Grit 'N Wit Challenge" and what can I expect on the day of the event next year?
The Grit 'N Wit challenge is "Where Brain Meets Brawn" and will feature a series of challenges and obstacles, from mental puzzles, climbing, jumping, walking, and team building activities. Participants can do as many or as few obstacles as they choose and there is variety in terms of physical and mental obstacles, making this an accessible event for everyone from children to adults.
Who does this event help?
This event helps the grieving children who attend Camp Compassion, an overnight bereavement support camp for kids and teens ages 6-17 offered by The Cove. Last year, 72 campers attended Camp Compassion. Camp is supported by licensed clinicians and trained bereavement volunteers who receive training to help children process their grief. Camp offers activities ranging from traditional camp games and dance parties to therapeutic outlets such as animal cuddles, peer talk support, candlelight ceremonies to honor loved ones, and so much more. On the last day of Camp, caregivers are invited to join and talk with other caregivers who understand. Camp Compassion is completely FREE to grieving families.
We need YOUR support to keep this program free and hope to see you at the next event!
Please contact Fundraising, Communications & Events Specialist Ingrid Podwil at ingrid@covect.org for more information. Feel free to reach out with suggestions for next year's Grit 'N Wit event!
Thank You to Our Sponsors!