Additional Resources About Grief
Here is a list of website links that may be helpful to families dealing with grief.
Find a Center - The National Alliance for Children’s Grief offers a search engine for grieving centers and programs across the United States.
Bereavement Super List - Over 975 links provided by PreciousHeart.net.
Grief Super List - More than 975 links provided by PreciousHeart.net.
The Eluna Network– Helping Children and Families Thrive. The Eluna Network has launched a comprehensive online library of carefully curated resources that provide the tools to navigate some of life’s most challenging experiences. With the expertise of hundreds of supportive partners, they are able to provide a personalized set of articles, videos, activities and referrals that explore grief, addiction, bullying, suicide, mindfulness, mental health, and much more.
Afterhours Inspirational Stories: Death and Dying - Inspirational story and poem collection about death, dying, and grievance.
Against Grieving In Silence - A TED Talk by Rachel Stephenson.
Alive Alone - A support group for the education of bereaved parents, whose only child or all children are deceased.
Autism - Bereavement resources for children on the autism spectrum from autismspeaks.org
Beliefnet.com - Grief and Loss Forum - Multifaith website, providing information, provocative essays and articles, online community and other interactive resources about grief and loss.
Bereavement - A Magazine of Hope and Healing - Offers searchable magazine archives, free online support groups, free electronic sympathy cards, free electronic memorials, and a secure catalog.
Bereavement Poems and Articles - Poems and Articles connected with grief, loss and bereavement. Includes links and an online memorial tribute.
Bo's Place - Bo's Place offers a unique program in Houston, TX, that provides free grief support services to children and their families who have experienced the death of a parent or sibling.
Catch a Falling Life - Offers articles, books and professional services for those coping with grief and loss.
Center for Loss and Renewal - Dedicated to understanding the process of grief, and its impact on laypeople and professionals. It includes a monthly column, "On the path from loss to renewal."
The Centre for Grief Education - Based in Melbourne Australia and has as its mission to provide, through research, education, and consultancy, support for bereaved people. Features newsletters, services, directory, and programs.
The Child Bereavement Trust - Charity with on-line information for young people who've lost someone close.
The Compassionate Friends - Grief support after the death of a child. The Compassionate Friends can help you find support, understanding and healing.
College Educated - 90 Grief resources for college students.
Crisis, Grief, and Healing - A place for people to find help in healing from loss. The honor page (the first internet memorial site) has over 500 memorials, and continues to put up memorials free of charge.
Crisis or Challange? - A Guide to Bereavement Stress and Modern Day Terror - An on-line guide for teachers, parents and those who have been victims of terror attacks, traumatic crisis, and long-term stress. A special section on the traditional Jewish attitude to mourning is included.
CRUSE Bereavement Care - National charity set up to offer free, confidential help to bereaved people. Cruse produces booklets on coping with grief which you can buy on-line.
Death and Dying from About.com - Links for the grieving widow, widower, child, teen and adult. Dedicated to the bereaved, the dying and those who care for them. Includes all issues about dying, pet loss, and memorials.
The Dougy Center - Provides a safe and supportive place for children, teens, young adults and their families who are grieving a death to share their stories. We do this through education, training and peer support groups.
Ele's Place - A nonprofit, community-based organization in Lansing, MI whose mission is to create awareness of and support for grieving children and their families. Through peer support group programs, Ele’s Place helps children to cope with the death or life-threatening illness of a parent, sibling or other close family member or friend.
Erin's House - Through partnerships with schools and community organizations in the Fort Wayne, IN area, Erin's House works with families to prevent the negative consequences of unresolved grief.
Estrangements - Provides information about loss due to estrangement. Includes a journal, lists of books, movies, articles, other references, poetry, and people who have experienced estrangement.
Friends Along the Road, Inc. - Relief for those in deep grief, so that they may have time away from pressing obligations in order to rest, seek consolation or healing, and possibly reevaluate their lives. Bulletin board and fund raising activities.
From the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Parent Tips for Helping Preschool-Aged Children After Disasters
From Child Care Aware
Good Grief - The Shiva Foundation - About grief, how to deal with it, and how to turn it into a positive, creative experience.
Grief and Loss - Offering articles, discussions, resources and tools for coping with grief and the loss of a loved one.
Grief and Renewal - International site to support people in their journeys of recovery and rebuilding following a loss. Resources, links, bulletin board, and people's stories of renewal.
Grief Healing Blog - Useful information on care giving, grief and transition - for anyone coping with loss
Grief Healing - Bereavement support including articles, poetry, links and a section on pet loss.
Grief Inc. - Official home of Darcie, Tony and Alicia Sims, who are internationally recognized public speakers on the topics of grief and grief support.
The Grief Recovery Institute - Offering information, handbooks, resources, and news to help individuals deal with grief.
Grief and Substance Abuse - Offering information from The Recovery Village on complex behaviors.
Grief Workshops - A system for funeral homes, health care facilities, mental health workers and social workers to support those suffering from grief and loss.
GriefLink - Information resource on death related grief for the community and professionals. Includes coping with grief, helping the bereaved, resources, education, and specific topics.
GriefLossRecovery.com - Articles, memorials, poetry, and provides a safe haven for bereaved persons to share their grief through discussion forums.
Griefsong: Healing the Loss - A place where to find creative and nurturing ways to honor grief following the death of a loved one. Includes songs of hope and inspiration, songs for memorials and funeral services, songs for rituals and spiritual renewal as well as meditation resources.
Grief, Also Called Bereavement
Grief, Coping With Reminders After a Loss
Grieving As A Family - From "When Families Grieve"
Grieving and Loss Support and Resources - Learn about the stages of grief, bereavement after the loss of a loved one, or coping with the loss of a love relationship or pet.
Grieving the Loss of a Parent - Alexandra Kennedy.com, seven tasks and ten steps of recovery, supporting a friend, books, tapes, workshops, and articles.
Healing Hearts for Bereaved Parents - A site devoted to providing information and support to parents who are suffering with grief as the result of the death of their child or children.
Healgrief.org - A site that provides the tools to create a virtual memorial for grieving individuals. Light a candle in honor of a loved one and download an application that enables you to capture precious memories.
Healing Through Grieving - Offers a sixteen-month program including workbooks and journal.
Help Your Child Deal With Grief - SchoolFamily.com
Hope for Bereaved - Independent, not-for-profit community organization dedicated to providing hope, support and services for the bereaved. Counseling, support services, and books for the grieving.
Information on Sleep Issues due to trauma and anxiety. Tuck Sleep Foundation provides information to help understand and improve sleep patterns that can negatively impact physical and mental health. Podcasts and meditation apps can often help to fall into a restful sleep.
Journey of Hearts - A healing place in cyberspace created by a physician who combines medicine, psychiatry, poetry, prose and images to provide resources and support.
The Koby Mandell Foundation - A foundation to help others cope with the loss of a loved one, this site offers therapeutic programs and events for bereaved families and young people, stories, a newsletter and more.
Learn Psychology - "Navigating Grief: A Guidebook for Grief Awareness & Understanding" shares topics, information, resources and identifiers related to grief and anticipatory grief in children, teens and adults.
Managing Grief While in College - Resources and strategies for college age students.
MedlinePlus: Bereavement - Directory of press releases, articles, and factsheets.
National Alliance for Grieving Children - Promotes awareness of the needs of children and teens grieving a death and provides education and resources for anyone who wants to support them
Students Dealing with Grief and Loss at School - from Accredited Schools Online - College age resources at school, but also valuable information on grief applicable to younger students as well.
Touching Souls; Healing with Bereavement Photography - Todd Hochberg - photographer, national lecturer and published author’s work acknowledges and supports bereaved parents experiencing their baby’s death while educating medical/grief professionals and the public about perinatal loss.